I'm not the only one dealing with this whole idea of winter. All of those tiny birds coats fluff up, they scurry to get as much seed as they can and disappear as fast as they came. I wonder if they are ever anywhere close to warm during the cold months? All of my outdoor cats' coats of fur have filled in twice as thick to help protect them. Look at Bandit here, she looks like a little black snowman posing in front of the pure white snow covered pond.
Now here's a seldom seen happening here in the woods. Only once before have I witnessed deer laying down in the woods. Usually they're nervous and on the move from the hunters. The slightest sound may send them off in a hurry. This deer was all alone, she didn't run the closer I moved towards her. I stayed at a distance of about 150 feet away. I wanted to get a better shot, but more importantly I didn't want to scare her off. She was calm and resting, more than likely she witnessed the rest of her family taken down. She needed her calm more than I needed a better photograph. Naturally, I'm out there quietly talking to her. Each time I spoke her ears perked. I was driving into town the other day and the tiniest fawn crossed the road in front of me. No other family of hers was in sight, she ran off all alone. I wish I could've scooped her up in my arms and took her home. That's another "thing" about winter that brings unpleasant thoughts...hunting.
Here the ponds' ice is melting and in certain areas has a crackled effect to add texture for interest. Just look at those pastels...almost reminds you of summer blooms!
You take such great pictures no matter what camera you use. I like the pointing north :)
I love looking at all your photos. Especially that pointy finger:) You must have a great lens for your camera. That's next on my wish list.
Lona...Thank you, I appreciate that. I won't go into the many, many photos that I delete. I always appreciate your visits and comments!
Flydragon...Thank you for following my blog, I thought the pointy finger was kind of cool...of course, I have quite an imagination! You're new to my woods here, I don't know if you read any previous posts. These photos were taken with my new Nikon Coolpix P80. Bandit was actually shot through the window(from a distance). I'm still playing around with settings trying to learn. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
I loved looking at the pond. Bandit looked so fluffy and i loved his contrast against the white snow - I would have loved to have picked him up and pet him.
Stunning. Sad. Wonderment.
Not sure how I feel after reading your post. Does Bandit have an attitude? He looks very willful :)
You've posted beautiful feelings for the season, Kim. How handsome is Bandit ... posing like a sentinel!
Shellmo...Thanks for dropping by and leaving your kind words! Bandit was the first stray that I took in, I couldn't resist this photo. She really stood out against the white snow, her green eyes staring at me, she's a sweetie!
Patsi...I guess I've been feeling a little down this past couple of days. I'm sorry if this post was a little downer, too. I do miss the warmer weather, and if I have to be in winter, I'd like at least one pretty, really snow-filled day! We haven't had that much yet. I better watch what I wish for! Bandit is very shy and has the sweetest disposition, despite her stern look. As always...thanks for the visit!
Hi Joey...Once January winds down, hopefully my outlook will change. Those few nice days that we had, truly gave me a mixed bag of emotions. Bandit is a sweetheart. She goes on every walk with me, you'd almost think she's a dog! Thanks for dropping by!
Looks like you've been having some good fun with your camera. Your cat does look like a fluffy black snowman. It's cute. I am feeling the same way. In some ways I am accepting the winter for what it is, and in other ways I am wishing I had bluer skies and spring conditions to see what is new and springing forth into the world.
Bernie...Yes, I'm having fun with the Nikon, still not getting the hang of manual mode, though. So, I'm not the only one having a tough time accepting winter this year? I'm hoping my mood improves. Love the shots on your last post! Thanks for stopping by!
I loved that pic of the black cat, so cute. That was pretty neat how you were able to get a pic of that deer. I live in a subdivision and as you leave it, we have two small wooded areas on either side of the street. We've spotted a couple of deer prancing across the road to the other side of the wooded area. The other day, there were FOUR running across the road to the other side of the woodded area. I live in the city!! I don't want to report it to the city though. Mums the word. My lips are sealed. I was thiking of brining them carrots. It's a sight though. Not something you see often in a neighborhood.
Hi Anne...So glad that you didn't report your deer. Before we moved out here to the woods, we lived in a subdivision, too. Deer were so plentiful, they called in sharpshooters to keep the population down. Many, many years ago, I was driving down a fairly busy street, but at that time the area was not developed. On either side of the road were wooods and a good sized lake back in the woods. I saw a pair of albino deer, they looked like ghosts in my headlights! I had to turn around and go back to double check. They were indeed albino, a rare occurance. I'll never forget that sight. We lived right next to the Emerald Necklace (a large stretch of the metroparks). Thanks for the visit,Anne!
Well this is the 6th consecutive post I'm reading this night and each featured a bird in its latest post. Crazy coincidence indeed. But a pleasant one!
Hi Travellers....It's tough looking for various shots in a cold weather region this time of year...in particular if your blog is focused entirely on your own neck of the woods. I'd love to be able to travel such as you...thanks for the visit!
SD: Very nice nature captures. I loved your deer photo, it was a neat capture through the woods.
It is a photograph studded with like a gem, the world of the exquisite beauty. I show respect for natural ability as your artist.
I was a hospital daylong today. I visited your blog and revived.
Fishing Guy...Thank you, not photo perfect, but I was excited to get a shot of her laying down. It was neat walking towards her and she didn't run. Thanks for stopping by!
Pseudothemis...Thank You, as always, for your nice comments. I wish I'd find a single source gem for real in my woods!
I'm glad you're home, I know your having a rough time with the injury, pain changes a person in many ways. I hope you get back to normal and feel better soon. I thank you for being a faithful guest to my blog! Get better, only a few months until dragon season!
I love your pictures, and really look forward to taking hikes through Wishnik Woods via your posts. :~)
Have Faith! Spring is Coming! Sending you warm thoughts from snowy Oregon.
Hi Kat...Thank you...I need many warm thoughts right about now! I hope you're doing alright out there in all that snow. Spring seems far away to me. I don't know what my problem is this year, I need a good shot of "get over it"! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Kim,
Your take on that branch is very creative...wearing a glove, pointing to the north:) And your black kitty is beautiful-snow or no snow-as a backdrop;)
Your new camera will be a treasure to you. I got mine for my birthday last March. The long lens is 300mm. It's nice, but I really want a 500mm or more:) Hubby doesn't agree:(
Last winter, I was horribly down. It lasted through the season. This year, as I wrote in a post, I have a light box. It does seem to help. I don't take the time with it every day, but a couple of times I week I sit for a half hr. to an hr. in front of it.
The weather has been strange; cold then warm, rainy, warm, icy, etc. I just want it to get cold and stay cold...then, change to spring like it's supposed to! The back and forth plays with my emotions too:)
Getting up at 4am would be totally out of character for me. I stay in bed until I absolutely MUST get up...to get my son breakfast and see him off to school. Once I'm up, it's coffee for me, too. I haven't been taking walks like you, but your description sounds peaceful. I think it's time I get out in the mornings. Thanks for the idea:)
Take care! Jan
The pointing twig one is awesome. You have a great eye for detail and a playful imagination. The shot of Bandit is priceless.
We still hear the odd gunshot around here, but it seems hunting season is about over. Maybe it's just too cold to tromp around in the woods. I did see a dead deer lying in field yesteray, but the day before that I saw 12 in a cornfield on the way home and flushed five more from the woods as I came up the driveway, so there are clearly a lot of them left. No fawns yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing those.
Hang in there, darlin', Spring will come.
(Sorry if I'm duplicating posts. Blogger is telling me it isn't taking.)
Lovely Post! I always feel a similar way during our long, unbearably hot summers. Everything also seems drained of color somehow, and I crave the milder temperatures of our winter. I dread our summers here so much I am afraid. :(
Hi Jan...Thank You for the nice comments. My number one reason for the new camera is shooting my dragonflies. I'm having fun with it. I've heard alot of good about those lights(it's 4:10 a.m...can't think of the proper name). I do get somewhat down during the short days. I honestly think this up/down temp. business is playing with my emotions, too. My back pain has increased and that doesn't help either. Getting up and out so early in the morning is a sacred(now I sound like a drama queen!)time for me. There's something about the twilight hour that is renewing. I hope that you do try it once, you just might enjoy it. Thanks for the visit, Jan!
Hello Mo...You'd probably enjoy the weather somewhat that we are having now. I actually am looking forward to one big snowfall, all in one day. It looks like a Winter Wonderland in the woods on days like that. At least the woods look bright and not monotone. I know I'm whining a bit too much here, but, I can't take that extreme heat and humidity that we have in late July and August either. Yes, I need an attitude adjustment! Thanks for visiting and your comments!
Vicki...I was quite surprised to see such a young deer right now, I wasn't surprised to see it all alone, though. It does sadden me to see that, even though I know it's part of life. On a happy note(I'm trying), one week of January done and over with! Thanks for the words of encouragement snd dropping by!
Please head on over to Peek-A-Boo Street. I have something for you.
Hello Anne...I'm on my way!
I always go through a low time in the winter too. I am just missing the butterflies and the dragonflies. The birds help so much! I find I depend on them to get me through.
I bundle up and sit outside with them. Seems to help. They are my blooms and wings of Winter. When I walk it does seem everything is mono-tone. I look for the macro shots. I like seed pods.
Your branch looks to be the long gloved hand of Winter. I love the way it is pointing at the moon.
Looking forward to reading your journal and getting to know you and your woods.
We are slowly walking towards Spring.
Sherry...Hello and thank you for dropping by the woods. That's a very beautiful description of the birds, that they are your "blooms and wings of winter". I have to agree with you there, I do appreciate them even more at this time of year. I wish I knew the I.D. of the birds better. I'll have to rely on my blogger friends for that. I'm bracing for single digits as the highs in the next few days..so the walk to spring seems very slow. Thank you for all of your nice comments.
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