Spring has finally arrived, but as usual, old man winter still made a few final appearances. March and April this year have been extremely windy for us, challenging me as I was trying to photograph. We have had a potpourri of weather, as you will see in these six part posts. This post represents the most current conditions, as you go back to part one...I'm taking through mid-April back to March. My Daffodils weathered warm temps in the 60's, and a day later were snow covered. This cycle has been repeated and it's amazing how they have survived and still look beautiful through all of the seasons' changes. Notice how the bees have survived as you go through the posts, it's interesting that when I first saw them in early March, with no blooms to rely on, they invaded my bird feeders. After that, they moved unto the Redbud blooms and then my Japanese Willows.
On an early morning walk, my daffodils shimmered with ice crystals... they almost appear to be sprinkled with coconut!
Even though the dandelions are considered a menace, I actually like the flower itself...looks like I'm not the only one. Now that I've finally caught up with my posting, it's time I play catch up enjoying other blogs.
Hi Spooky,
I've been wondering where you've been. I kept checking your blog thinking new posts just weren't showing up on my blog list. Glad you're back!!
Sorry to hear about Isabelle. Poor little kitty.
I am, as usual, totally in awe of your photos!! All of them!!
I had no idea that bees would congregate on a bird feeder like that. Yikes!
Welcome bad. Guess I can call off the bloodhounds.
Hi Flydragon...Thank you, these past couple of weeks of have been crazy. I've been visiting with family up north and they've been coming down here to stay the weekends. My step-son and his family will be down this weekend, too. I've done absolutely nothing outside yet(as far as getting beds ready and pruning). As of yesterday, my connection seems pretty good, so I'm going to blog hop.
As far as the bees go...I don't remember them showing up so early in the season before, March 6th?...and I've never seen them take over a birdfeeder before. I couldn't have that so close to the cabin, just a few feet away. I hope you had a great Easter and are enjoying Spring!
Hi Richard...Thanks!...and thanks for calling off the bloodhounds, too! Can you call off this intermittent snow while you're at it?!
I'm sorry to hear about your cat, it is always painful to lose a pet. Sorry also about your computer problems.
Your photos really are beautiful and I hope you have seen the last of the bad weather. You certainly do live in a beautiful place, the photos of the sunset prove that.
Also I have been looking back at some of your older posts, you really have a lovely site here.
Hello ShySongBird...That is such a pretty screen name. It is hard to put down a pet. Last year we had to put down two others, a dog with epileptic seizures that were rapidly destroying him and another small cat with severe liver/kidney problems. We now are down to, two dogs and four cats indoors, and five outdoor stray cats that we feed and shelter. I love them all. I'm glad that you enjoy Wishnik Woods, I love living here. I'm somewhat of a loner, so the woods suit me just fine! We've just had three days of rain, the weekend is supposed to be nice. My mom just e-mailed me and said possible snow next week! UGH! Enough already. Thanks for stopping by and I'm going to try and visit you!
Hi Spooky, I've missed you & the beautiful photos so welcome back.
It's great to see the colourful erruption of spring around your property. There is so much to comment on but I was particularly taken by the sunset colours thro' the trees & somewhere I could feel at home. Lol FAB
Dearest Kim ... your stunning photos have been well worth waiting for! I've missed seeing life through your beautiful eyes.
Great post. Beautiful photos.
Sorry to hear about Isabelle.
Glad you're back in the running with your computer, though.
I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved cat.
I am happy that spring has finally sprung in your part of the world for you though and I am loving your gorgeous pictures.
Absolutely beautiful my friend.
Hi Frank...Thank you, Spring is slowly coming around here, they are calling for snow again next week. My highlight is when the dragons return and obviously that hasn't happened(they'd be plastered all over this post!)I'm hoping my connection holds up for awhile...very frustrating! As the trees fill in, the colors of the sunrise and sunsets aren't as dramatic on the pond, so I'm enjoying all that I can now. I hope that you had a wonderful Easter!
Hello Joey...Thank you for stopping back. After visiting you and seeing your Pansy Collage, I think I'll have to pick up a few for my planters!
Hello Kim and Victoria...Thank you! Isabelle was such a sweet cat with a relatively short lifespan...I just have to hold onto the thought that she's in a happier place. As far as my computer/connection goes, I still can't load or comment on all the blogs that I visit. My fingers are crossed!
Hi Mo...Yes, Spring is slowly coming around. I absolutely love May and June....when it comes to late July and August, then I start whining about the heat. I'm on my way to see what's happening in your world !.... Thank you, I'm happy that you enjoy my little wonders here!
Gosh, it's hard to pick a favorite - all of these are just stunning. I love the robin proudly sticking out his breast.
Good solution for the bees - I wouldn't have known what to do!
My condolences on Isabelle:-(
SD: Great photos of the Spring that keeps trying to come. You got two bees and that is really special. I hope we are done with snow.
Anybody can take pictures of pretty flowers, but yours always seem to me to be special. The ice crystals on the petals and the daffodil with the golden background are particularly lovely. I'm sorry to hear about Isabelle. Losing a pet is never easy, particularly one that sounds as nice as her.
Well I have been trying to post but blogger is messed up again and some of your comments are not loading and I am not getting some of your newer postings. They must be messing around with it again.
I am sure glad you are back on line. I was starting to worry about you there on the pond. Your pictures are so wonderful. What do you use to take pictures of the moon so well?
They are always gorgeous. I see one of your kitty's watching the fish swim. That was so cute. Sorry to hear you had lost Isabelle. They get to be like kids to us.
Glad you are back and things are warming upso I know you will be getting some good shots in.
Hello JGH...Thank you, Those bees were burrowing down into the seed, it was something else to see. I was worried for my husband as he is allergic to bee stings, yet, when he emptied the feeder it was quite cold and they were barely moving. Happy Spring!
Hi Fishing Guy...No shortage of bees here! If we do get anymore snow, I hope it's just flurries. Thanks for stopping by!
Hello Weeping Sore...Thank you, I enjoy getting into the heart and soul, if you will, of the flower. I enjoy the subtle shadings and textures of plants, that I feel are overlooked when viewing them from even a short distance away. I am fortunate for the pond, as that makes a perfect backdrop. I trust you are enjoying the warm weather as well?!
Hi Lona...It seems that after reading other blogs, I'm not the only one with such troubles lately. Last night, I couldn't even reach blogger, the problem was on their end. I use a tripod to photograph the moon. Lona, for every one photo that turns out, I probably have 30 that didn't! I still have no idea what I'm doing with this Nikon...I try to shoot using a variety of settings, and hopefully one will turn out! I wish this weather would stay warm, I just can't wait for my dragonflies to return. Let's hope the snow is over,once and for all!
Just beautiful pictures Kim! I just love the one with the daffodil with the sunset in the background. It's just lovely.
Can't remember all that I saw in your series. So with that in mind I'll just say...Everything looks lovely and great photos of Wishnik woods !!
Glad you're back.
Good to see you're back again! Quite a bit of snow there, but it must have been in March (...I hope – you deserve some decent spring now!). Lovely flowers!
The air is full of spring.
A heart is excited.
Hi Kim,
Looks like it was well worth the wait! What a fabulous set of posts you have done! Great to see all those colours of spring. Sorry to hear about Isabelle. I once saw a George Carlin stand up in YT where he mentioned that cats get kidney trouble due to being on dry cat food (with less moisture) for long. Was it the case for your one too?
There were 2 dragonflies emerging last night and I photographed it until 1.20 a.m. They were both Dingy Duskflyers. Our dragonflies are out in good these days.
Hi Anne...Thanks, the background sure did help the overall photograph there! Hope you're enjoying Spring!
Hello Patsi....Thank you, just hoping we don't get the snow they're forecasting next week, but, that's our Spring. Thanks again for getting back to me at Blotanical, still haven't thinned my seedlings. I always avoided that, and like I said, maybe that's why I never had much luck with seeds!
Hi Camellia...Actually, we did have snow in April, not much, but enough! It didn't seem to harm much. We may have more white stuff next week. I'm looking forward to my Daylillies and Waterlillies to bloom. Happy Spring to you!
My husband spotted a large dragonfly while fishing Saturday, the first one to return and I wasn't there!!! By time he came and told me, it was gone. By his description, it was probably a Springtime Darner...finally!!
Hello Pseudothemis...Thank you for stopping by. I'm in a better frame of mind with the increased sunshine and warm air, our winters are too long here!
Hi Amila...Thank you, you know, I've never heard that theory on cat food. I wonder if that could've been the problem or part of it. We do feed our cats primarily dry food and occasionally canned food. The vet told us that very small stature cats are prone to liver/kidney problems.
I'm so glad your "homegrown" dragonflies are florishing! It is the coolest feeling just to walk out your door and have so many varieties right there, isn't it? I can just picture you up all night by your pond...camera gear in tow!
Dear Kim
I've missed your posts:-) However, I have not posted in over 2 weeks, either! I have a 'back-up' of photos I'd love to post but will probably only put a few on. I just love your posts, they are so 'heavenly', so to speak;-) I am trying to go slower now with my blogging...I'm enjoying the outdoors now and sitting at the computer isn't as attractive anymore!
I have nothing but positive and wonderful comments for all of your photos. You certainly have a beautiful variety of nature in your surroundings...it's all so uplifting to see. I really am awe-struck by your macro shots. And, the fact that bees were nesting in the birdseed is a new one on me! How interesting! I'm glad your husband didn't get stung as he emptied it. Those bees are 'survivors', that's for sure!
It's wonderful to come and visit here, your music is just what I love, too;-)
Happy Spring!
PS I'm very sorry for your loss of your Kitty. I know it's difficult to say goodbye to a cherished pet
Hi Kim,
Watch this YT piece with parental advice:
This is why it is educational to watch stand up comedy in the YouTube!
Yes, it is a great feeling to see dragonflies using my dragonfly pond for breeding. They are like fruits of my loins. It is such a great pleasure!
Hi Amila...I noticed that the George Carlin clip is nine minutes long, which equates to between 45-60 minutes loading time for me. That's if I don't get disconnected! I will try to watch it though, as "back in the day" I loved George Carlin. Stand-up comedy educational?...now, there's a new concept!
Hi Jan...I can relate to spending less time at the computer, there are only so many hours in the day...the real world waits for us! My husband wouldn't let me empty the feeder containing the bees...and he was properly covered. The bees barely noticed when he did empty it, by then, the temp. outside was in the thirties. The next day when it warmed up again, the bees were gone!
I noticed that I lost my Pink Floyd selection...Learning to Fly...on my playlist. I swear this computer has a mind of its' own...and it doesn't like me. Happy Spring to you as well, Jan!
Nice shots. It must be great having so many different subjects to photograph right in your own back yard, and it sounds like you've got your own little nature paradise there. I just love the springtime.
Hello Tim...Thank you so much for stopping by. I enjoy living among the wildlife. I have to tell you...I stopped over to check your blog out, and am I ever glad that I did! Your captures from your birding trip are breathtaking! The white on white is perfection! Unfortunately, I can't comment on your blog...I'm so very sorry. My side bar..An explanation to my guests... is full of my whining about my connection issues. I have this problem with several blogs. You may enjoy sports events, but you are a natural at nature photography!
To my guests...click on Tim and see for yourself his Egret captures...wow!
I keep saying this, but I have to say it again...You live in a paradise on earth.
Beautiful images to make us all "J" of you. Just joking.
Nice to see you posting again. I hope your PC problems have been sorted out for good.
Hi Spooky,
The flower in the first photograph is sooooo beeeeautiful.
Moon and Sun in One Photograph
Hello Bhavesh...They are the blooms from a Dwarf Weeping Japanese Cherry tree along the bank of the pond. It's too bad they are only present during the Spring!
Hello Thomas....My little paradise doesn't even compare to your paradise! For instance...my cat climbing in the tree photos...eh...it happens, no big deal. YOUR cat climbing in the tree photos...wow...awesome! Your last Leopard post was simply amazing!
I am so sorry about your little kitty! I love mine so much so I know this would be hard! I hope your remain problem free on your computer. So nice to see all these beautiful flowers!
Hi Shellmo...It wasn't easy...but, I'm sure Isabelle is pain free and in a better place now. Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods and I'm going to attempt to visit you!
I am so sorry to hear about your little kitty, Isabelle. Even when you know it is for the best, it is a hard decision to make. Lovely Spring pictures. I love the one of the Daff with the water behind it.
Hello Morning Glories...It was and is tough. We've been putting the procedure off for quite awhile, but it was necessary. It's something the love that two entirely different creatures can feel for eachother, isn't it?
As far as Spring goes....It's about time! I'm off to visit you if I can...I have some problems getting to other blogs, but I aim to try. Thanks for dropping by!
Dear Kim,
I have wanted to give you an 'award' for so long, but wasn't all that comfortable about 'posting' it, like some others do. So, I've finally decided to stop by and tell you about it in a message! You were one of my first blogging friends and you are just one of a handful of people who are the kindest and sweetest that God has created! I really don't think the awards I have to choose from are good enough, honestly...although, the Renee Award is very special. I don't keep the info. that goes with each award, but I know it is for amazing women, who write intelligently, and interestingly and charmingly...etc. I know you can look it up to find out more! So, please stop by, go down to the bottom of the blog, and pick out the Renee Award and please post it on your blog, ok? Take care, friend!
Hi Jan...That is very sweet of you, thank you so very much. I stopped by your blog yesterday and not sure if my comment made it to your post. Error showed up and it took me three tries to comment. I feel the same about awards. I will attempt to pick up the award that you've kindly given me, I was recently given another and couldn't pick it up from her blog. You put a smile on my face, Jan, thank you!
I saw my first Dragonfly and thought of you!
Thank you for the garden update.
It is always a joy to visit you.
Happy May,
Hello Sherry...Now that made me feel good!! My Springtime Darners have been here in the woods, the first to return, but all of my photographs are not worthy to publish, as they are fast in flight and seldom land low. We've had nothing but lots of rain and cooler weather, so I haven't seen them this past week. I'm curious if you caught a photograph, I'm off to visit you!
Good to see you again, Kim. I'm so sorry you lost your cat. It's always hard to lose a beloved pet.
Your photos are wondrous, as always. LOVE the daffodils in the snow. I didn't know bees would invade a bird feeder like that.
Hope to see more of you, now that you're back!
Absolutely gorgeous photos, Kim. You're obviously enjoying Spring!
That last photo is superb!
Hello Vicki...Thanks for stopping by. The bee invasion was a first for me, too! But after some research, I guess it's not common, but does happen. I hope you're enjoying Spring, I'll have to stop by and visit you!
Hi Sunita...Thank you, yes, I'm so glad that Spring is finally here. It uplifts my spirit...we had a LO-O-NG winter. I'm going to pop in and visit you!
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