Thursday, April 9, 2009


As the weather warms, my outdoor cats' playful side starts to show. I enjoy watching them race around and chase each other up the trees. They all start to shed their winter coat and lose that extra winter weight that helped keep them warm. Hmmm???....maybe I need to start climbing trees?!

One of my favorite activities is to simply watch my the fish. At times, they'll hang off the edge of the dock to get a better view. Here, Patches is keeping an eye on a Large-Mouth Bass.

Can anyone tell me what this magnificent bird is? I've been told a hawk and have also been told it's a buzzard. The wing span is enormous! Probably three feet across...I'm guessing it's a buzzard.

I've had days when I'm seeing red! I can relate!

O.J. relaxing on top of the arbor....bird watching. O.J. is Bandits' son.

The Redbud blooms on a slow soaking rainy day, swollen from the raindrops.

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